Thursday, January 17, 2008


“选择放下,就能活在当下。” - 人生可以是一场战争,同时也是一趟让自己成长的旅程。因此,面对困难及挫折时,除了认真面对和逃避外,还有另一个选择:接受它,放下它,并超越它。






P/S:大宝石,我重复温习了某日你给我发的一则小短讯,令我感触良久。生命里难免会有种种烦恼,种种困惑,种种压力,如果能够懂得放下,是何等自在呀~ 谢谢你的分享,共勉之。。。 ^0^


Anonymous said...


just want to give you my humble opinion, that if we consider life as a war then it always seems we face many wars in our life

in the other hand, if we consider life as a beautiful moment everytime we breathe then we face everything in our life (especially the harsh times) with the beauty inside us (patient, love), and if we do this it will effect others to do the same thing. i think love is contagious.

why we worry and feel pressure? actually, we shouldn't be. we worry and feel pressure because our expectation on something like ambition, goal for career, money where at the end all of these things are not valuable 'cause when we die we don't bring them along with us, but it is our relation with others and what we did in this life that are precious and will be judged at the end.

somehow bad things happened because there is some purpose why it is happened, based on my experience if you got some bad things happened in your life usually there will be a good things at the end as the continuity, i think God always has a good plan for all of us (in many ways and mysterious even it has to go through a bad thing first), so don't waste your life with worry, life is short

i believe God has good plans for all of us, and the plans are always the best ones for us compare to our own plans in this life. but we, as human, somehow still cannot see it. and it is our own plans (expectation, ambition) that make our life miserable because so called worry, pressure and any other negative feelings inside us. face everything with love, 'cause from love comes patient, forgiveness, understanding and at the end is happiness

i hope my opinion could give you at least another way of perception on these matters

by the way, my name is Yorke, i just accidentally find your blog and kind of surprise that a litle girl like you can think so deep as one written in your blog.


Anonymous said...

哇! 小石子升格为大宝石咯~~~ 呵呵~